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Screenplay Sneak Peak - The God Complex

Writer's picture: What Happened To Claudio?What Happened To Claudio?

One of the many parallels in John and Curt's life was that they both suffered Messiah complexes. It's also referred to as the God Complex or Messianic Complex.

This psychological disorder gives the person the perception that they are Jesus Christ, sent down to earth to create peace for mankind.

Of course these revelations are also a symptom of taking strong acid and Curt and John's experiences differ.

In this exclusive look at our screenplay I wrote about both of their experience, enjoy!

'It was at university in 1968 that Curt’s Messianic complex began. One day he was playing his trumpet in a tree on campus when he was noticed by some members of a local religious cult.

Photo reconstruction courtesy of Mojo Designs

They thought he was the second coming, they remarked how much he looked like Jesus with his long hair and beard. They took him under their wing and treated him like the Messiah.

This messianic complex never really left Curt, it would resurface later on with chilling consequences.

In the same year across the other side of the Atlantic a similar incident occurred in John Lennon’s life which wouldn’t be revealed until years after the singer’s death. John himself was to take acid and reveal himself as the Second Coming.

The Beatles had returned from a spiritual trip to India to visit the Maharishi and write songs for their forthcoming White Album. They were relaxing for a few weeks before going back into Abbey Road studios.

On May 19th, whilst his first wife Cynthia was on holiday in Greece, John and his childhood friend, Pete Shotton took particularly strong acid at the singer’s Kenwood mansion in Weybridge. During the trip John spoke not only of discovering an inner spiritual connection but also that he thought himself to be Jesus Christ.

John and school pal Pete Shotton

According to Tony Bramwell, another friend of Lennon’s from childhood, in his book Magical Mystery Tours: My Life With The Beatles, John called an emergency meeting with his band to tell them of this revelation.

He sat his fellow Beatles down in the boardroom at the Apple offices in London. As they looked on, wondering why he’d called the meeting he dropped the bombshell

‘I’ve got something important to tell you, I am Jesus Christ, I have come back again. This is my thing’

In typical Beatles fashion, the rest of the band downplayed the outlandish claim in a nonchalant way. Ringo, who was probably tired and hungry let out a sigh and said ‘Right. Meeting adjourned. Let’s go have some lunch.’

During lunch at a restaurant a besotted Lennon fan approached their table with gushing compliments to him. Apparently he interrupted ‘Actually, I’m Jesus Christ’. The fan looked on awkwardly and said ‘Well, I still liked your last record.’

The next day John would invite Yoko around to his house, they made love and created experimental music together, it was the start of a new chapter in Lennon’s life.'

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