I was thrilled to hear from Ray Connolly this morning. I contacted him recently to tell him about this project and see if he was able to contribute. He has been great and offered some great insights into John's life at Tittenhurst Park.

Ray Connolly has written novels, movies, television films and series, radio plays, short stories and much journalism.
I told him that the first book I ever bought was his biography on John Lennon.

I have many more questions for Ray and it's fantastic to know that he's on hand to contribute to this project.
Many of you will have heard about Ray recently, he was in a coma for 6 months after contracting COVID-19. He has since made a great recovery and is back better than ever.
Like a true artist, he's turned his horrific experience into an inspirational radioplay, if you get the chance, take a listen to it here:

No one of the articles tells about him, but what we already know, because it has been filmed. They don´t even say if they know something or not. All is like " to be continued". From Hans Jultved